Monday, June 13, 2016

The Sedonah Sunn - June 2016 - The Beauty of Sedona

Please enjoy this heart-warming article on THE BEAUTY OF SEDONA.  

I am being guided to start a whole new journey, as I set out on the road to Spread PEACE, LIGHT AND LOVE. 

I am so very grateful to Sedona, the earth, the people and the nature spirits.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

The Sedonah Sunn - April 2016 - Don't Let Money Get in the Way!

5th Edition of THE SEDONAH SUNN is out and ready to read.  Special thank you again to my sponsors who support the printing costs.  This month:

The Sedona Meditation Center
Jane Horvitz - Psychic Reader and Spritual Coach

I was guided to write on the topic of money this month as it is Tax Season and I know from talking to many friends we are tired of chasing the dollar to fulfill some dream that never seems to get fulfilled..... if we want change we have to create change.

Enjoy your reading and let me know your feedback.  And if you you know of anyone who would like to sponsor the paper or ust want to be involved because they believe in the cause ---  reach out to me: (928)-821-4144.  Sedonah Sunn

Monday, March 7, 2016

The Sedonah Sunn - March 2016 Gardening Secrets

The March issue of The Sedonah Sunn has grown to 4 pages and is in full color.  I kept feeling that it was ready to expand and it has.  This paper is about bringing the Sedona Community together!

Please support all the wonderful sponsors who came forward. They believe in this paper and want to help spread positive uplifting news out into the world.

Rusty Ludwig: All natural gardening supplies and service (928)-358-9932
Jane Horvitz: Beautiful Intuitive Reader and Spiritual Counselor  (928)-963-0016
Namti Spa: Take a break and get a Massage 
Matt Khan: True Nature Graphic Design & Marketing

If you would like to contribute in some way to The Sedonah Sunn Newspaper please contact me:


Volunteers needed

May all beings be Happy 
And may all beings be fulfilled in who they are... and 
in what they are creating in the world.

blessings from Sedonah Sunn & Casio (the confirming CAT)

Thursday, February 4, 2016

PERFECT RELATIONSHIP -The Sedonah Sunn- February 2016 Issue

The newest issue of The Sedonah Sunn is now available in full on line.  As you can see it is expanding... color print and two cool logo designs by Katarina Juszcak.

If you are interested in being a part of this paper in any way, please call me (928)-821-4144.  I am looking for contributing writers who have something positive to say and who's souls purpose is to inspire others!

We have our 1st poetry submission by Stoney Stonebraker who is a local resident in his 90's.

We also have another artist portrait by Geraldo Altamirano Lopez another local resident in his 20's.

And me in my 40's we are covering the spectrum of generations.  I hope to start a kids section next month also... so stay posted!

lots of love, Sedonah Sunn 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

EARTHING - The Sedonah Sunn - January 2016 Issue

Reconnect to the EARTH
   There is a movement of people responding to a book called, “EARTHING” by Ober, Sinatra & Zucker.  The premise of ‘earthing’ is to stand barefoot on soil, grass or concrete for at least 30 minutes a day.  The intention is for us to realign with the electromagnetic field of the earth.  And there is science in this book to prove the benefits!
   The authors go on to say that because we wear rubber soled shoes and sleep on foam mattresses elevated off the ground; we are losing our connection to the healing elements of the earth.   There is no claim that this practice will cure us of disease yet when our bodies our in balance disease and emotional distress cannot manifest.
   For me the past four months have been emotionally challenging.  Finding myself in deep despair, I went to see Roz Reynolds (life-long psychic & coach) she passed me the book “Earthing.” The moment I saw the cover I knew help was on its way.  I took her advice and got my feet on the earth as soon as I left her office.    
   I found that even after 10 minutes with my bare feet standing on the cool red rocks, my mood had shifted from sadness to joy.  Within a few days all my creativity came flushing back in, inspiring me to create and publish this good news newspaper. 
   It is interesting how life comes in ebbs and flows.  Our Angels always bring us what we need at just the right time.  This was not the first time I had felt the energy of the earth in this way.  A few years back I was living in L.A. finding myself in another slump.  As I walked through my neighborhood I saw a house for sale.  Being curious I poked my head in to take a look.  No one was there so I opened the back gate.  When I saw the green grass I felt guided to lay face down on the earth. 
   I felt some apprehension about doing this as I was unsure as to when the owners might show up, and how they would respond to find a woman laying face down in their backyard.  Contemplating the risks - I did it anyway!
   I took some deep breaths, thanked my angels for a beautiful sunny day and pressed my heart and forehead into the earth.  It took a moment for my hips and legs to relax, yet as soon as they did I felt a wave of energy run through my core.  My entire body pulsed as I took in a large breath.  Then without any warning I went out of consciousness.  No thoughts, no memories!  I awoke sometime later totally refreshed and alive.

   I later came to realize that the earth connection had awakened the kundalini energy in my body, and the doorway to the mystical. 
   Sometimes we have a great opening like this and then we get busy in life and we forget, as had happened to me this past fall.  I now understand that God gives us only what we can handle and the doorway to truth, to bliss continues to open as we prepare ourselves to receive. 
–Sedonah Sunn-
    I hope this article helps remind you that the earth is our trusted friend.  As we are kind to Her She returns the same favor – she is a living being and She is here to reconnect us in so many ways.  I encourage you to give EARTHING a try.  Let me know how it goes.  

This beautiful imagery was drawn by Gerado Altamirano Lopez.

I had asked him to sketch me a girl who's feet would turn into roots like a tree to connect in with the center of the earth.  It is a reminder that we can all do this daily.  His art goes on to tell another story as the woman looks at the tree stump - an awareness of what humans do to the tress through unconscious acts -- yet as conscious beings we can choose to make different choices -- we can choose to be ONE with the Divine Mother EARTH.

Many blessings to you all.

You can pick up THE SEDONAH SUNN in VOC, Sedona & Cottonwood coffee shops or read it on-line here!


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

THE UNPLUG MOVEMENT - The Sedonah Sunn - December 2015 Issue

Welcome to the 1st Edition of ---- 'THE SEDONAH SUNN'

I was inspired to create a GOOD NEWS - HEART OPENING NEWSPAPER.

People are loving it.  I printed 200 copies which I delivered to coffee shops and hotels and handed out to people I met along the way.  The most soul-touching part for me was actually connecting one on one with people.

My creative energy is back in flow.  After several months of feeling 'creatively stuck' the unplug movement has ignited my divine spirit and given me the momentum to put my ideas into action. 

I have observed through personal experience that when we are healing from anything be it emotional abuse or physical trauma ~ the creative energy hibernates and the fight or flight system kicks in to help us through the healing process.  Eventually we recover and can take action -- often with greater wisdom and awareness.  Be patient with yourself if you are feeling in a slump..., you will come out of it.  Seek guidance from a trusted source to help you through.

Below is the 1st Article - The THE UNPLUG MOVEMENT is inspired by a young girl I knew who was consumed daily with her computer...  what I observed is that whenever I invited her out into nature her entire spirit lit up!  So thank you Chloe for inspiring me to make this happen.

The Unplug Movement
   What would happen if every human being, decided to take a break from the rat race of life… and we did it all on the same day? Do you think we could shift the collective consciousness from struggle and strife to – peace & love?  Well I think it is worth a try.  Are you willing to find out how?
   I am advocating the 1st Sunday of every month as a day to “unplug” from all technology.  It’s only 30 hours of your life once a month to put your cell phones in a box, disconnect your internet and go outside and play.  Connect with the earth, meditate, take your kids to the park, play soccer or golf or tennis, have a potluck at your house.  The point being: to let go of our silent addiction to computers and cell phones, which we have allowed to consume our lives and take a ‘technology vacation.’ 
   I am not against technology in fact I find it to be a wonderful tool for reaching out & for creative expression.  However from my personal experience I feel most of us are overusing it.  Anything used to excess becomes an addiction.  
   When I mentioned the unplug movement to some colleagues, the first response was, “Well I can’t do that because I have kids.”  Well what did we do 20 years ago when all we had were land lines… we managed! If my theory holds true that taking one day a month to unplug will bring more peace into our world, then wouldn’t you want your kids to be a part of this movement with you? 
  The second point that comes up is, “I can turn off my phone but I am still going to take it with me in case my car breaks down.”   And to this I say… let your car break down and see what happens.
   A few years ago I was living in Sundre, Alberta, a rural town in Canada.  I drove 30 minutes to work through a landscape of rolling hills & pastures of cows grazing on the side of the road. 
   On one particular day a large semi-truck was barreling towards me crossing over the median line with a “Wide Load” sign on his front bumper.  Instinctively I veered off the road to let him through.  When he had passed I went to pull back out onto the highway only to find myself stuck in deep snow, and no four wheel drive.  I looked back.  No cars were anywhere to be seen. “Oh my God I thought…, I am stuck…, I have no phone…, I am going to freeze to death!” And then I remembered that I have angels.  I took a deep breath and said, “God please help me.”
   In less than 10 seconds I looked out my side view mirror to find a pick-up truck had pulled up behind me.  A lovely gentleman came to my window saying, “Can I help you miss?”  My prayers were immediately answered.  Faith is an amazing God-given gift.  We are always taken care of.   All we have to do is believe & use the power of Divine Miracle Manifestation. 
   People have become so afraid of other people that we no longer allow a stranger to help us anymore.  When we over-isolate we miss the human connection of service.  It is a natural mood up-lifter to be able to help another human being who appears to be stranded or suffering.

   So... Are you ready to take the step and join the Unplug Movement, by ceremonially putting your cell phone in a box on the first Saturday evening of the month and powering it back up on Monday morning.  It may seem like a challenge at first… but when we challenge ourselves… we grow!  
   Take note how you feel during your TECHNOLOGY VACATION.  See what insights come to you, what happenings occur, and who you will meet that day who is perhaps another unplugged veteran.  You may also find that you want to go longer than a day.  Many people who have done Vipassana Meditations do 10 days or longer completely off the grid.
   Get the word out, share it with your friends and send me your feedback.  I would love to know how many people are participating and how it is changing your life! ~
Sedonah Sunn 

MARK YOUR CALENDARS – 1st Sunday’s 2016

January 3rd                              April 3rd
February 7th                           May 1st                            
March 6th                         June 5th

I am already getting responses from people which is wonderful to see.  I encourage you to write your feedback here.  

As for the Good News Newspaper it is being completely supported by everyone I meet.  I even had a friend create a logo for it.  If you would like to get involved and sponsor the newspaper, or volunteer to do deliveries, or just be a silent support for helping it get into the hands of all those who are really needing to hear some good news I would be happy to have you join the team.

With God all things are possible.  

love Sedonah Sunn